Another store clerk arrested for violating TABC certification

Another store clerk bites the dust after breaking TABC certification law during an undercover TABC sting operation.
44-year-old Lucia Garcia was arrested and faces criminal charges after selling a Bud Light to a minor who was working with TABC agents. The kicker? The clerk asked the minor for his ID, and the minor provided an authentic Texas ID card showing he was under 21, and she sold him the beer anyway. So, looks like this is either a story about a clerk who really doesn’t care about following TABC certification law but wants to act like she does, or a story about a clerk who’s really bad at math. To properly abide by what you learn in our TABC certification online course, you have to care about following the law AND be able to properly calculate age.
TABC On The Fly is an official, approved provider of on-site and online TABC certification licensed by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC).