Online TABC certification teaches you not to “put bullets in the gun”
June 25, 2014

The issue of not over-serving and cutting customers off is a serious one that our on-site and online TABC certification courses cover in tremendous detail. Bars in Hidalgo County are once again coming under fire for not doing their job regarding these issues, and one local attorney is equating the situation with putting bullets in the gun of a killer.
The attorney, who has reportedly filed suit against multiple establishments in the McAllen area in the past, makes a fair point. If you knew there was great potential for someone to harm another person, would you willingly aid their ability to do so?
Lt. Mario Villarreal from the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission put it well when he said “You need to be looking out for your customers. You need to cut them off or politely tell them when they have had too much to drink.”
Yes, cutting people off is awkward and uncomfortable especially when your income is dependent upon tips, but it’s one of those tough pills that you need to swallow and move on from. As someone who has spent their entire life in the restaurant industry in Texas, let me be blunt: If you’re unwilling to cut people off and keep them from driving when they’re clearly intoxicated, then please do your community a favor and find a new career. Too many servers, bartenders, and managers put their fear of pissing off a customer ahead of their desire to keep a drunk driver off the road, and that’s a sad reality.
As we’ve said before, it’s really not that hard. Will your customer get angry? Yeah, probably. Will it be so incredibly difficult for you to deal with them that it’s worth compromising someone else’s life? No. So pull up your big boy britches, put into action what you learn in your on-site or online TABC certification course, and do your job responsibly.
TABC On The Fly is an official, approved provider of on-site and online TABC certification courses.