TABC Certification Online News: Another business jumps hurdle due to proximity to school
February 25, 2014

For your TABC certification online news today, another private business was nearly kept from opening simply because it was too close to a school.
The Corpus Christi-based Stripes convenience store chain built a new gas station on Franklin Avenue in Waco, TX, but plans to open were halted when local officials and the TABC learned the gas station fell within 300 feet of a school. Instead of seeking an exception to the law, Stripes chose to re-plat the land, subdividing the lot into two and relocating the gas pumps and convenience store. This plan was accepted, and Stripes received its letter of authority from the TABC to sell alcohol.
Good for Stripes! We wish them the best of luck, but of course don’t forget to get TABC certified first.
TABC On The Fly is a state-approved provider of on-site and online TABC certification.
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