TABC Certification and PEFs

If you’ve gotten TABC certified with us in either our on-site or online class recently, you may have noticed some changes to the law. This is because our Texas Legislature meets every two years and votes on new laws. And some of these laws impact the Alcoholic Beverage Code.
One of the new laws went into effect on June 10, 2015 and is related to something called a Public Entertainment Facility (PEF). A PEF, as defined by the TABC, is a stadium, arena, or other permanent structure that is used for sporting events. We’re talking about places like where the Texas Rangers and Dallas Cowboys play. Many PEFs have multiple bars and restaurants within their building. Under the new law, TABC approved PEFs in which all licenses and permits are held by a single holder, may allow a patron who possesses an alcoholic beverage to enter or leave a licensed or permitted premises within the facility. The alcoholic beverage must:
– Be in an open container;
– Appear to be possessed to currently consume;
– Remain within the facility, excluding the parking lot; and
– Be purchased legally at a licensed or permitted premises at the facility
Just to clarify, the old law used to prohibit customers from leaving or entering an establishment with an open container. That is no longer prohibited in a PEF, so long as the above conditions are met. This may not seem like a priority needing to be addressed by our state lawmakers, but it’s one less thing you have to worry about as a seller-server. That is, if you actually work at one of these facilities. And it’s certainly more convenient for your customers.
This is just one example of many things you’ll learn when you get TABC certified with TABC On The Fly. Our course was made by servers, for servers right here in the great state of Texas.
TABC On The Fly is an official provider of on-site and online TABC certification approved by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission. Enroll Now to get TABC certified online today!
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