What TABC certification online DOES NOT teach you: Growlers

One of our favorite things to blog about is subjects that TABC certification online courses like ours do not cover, not because you absolutely have to know these things (if that were true, they would be in our course), but rather because knowing such intricacies about Texas alcohol laws will make you a better seller/server. We spend a lot of time in our TABC certification online course hammering home the topics of underage drinking and intoxicated people, so it’s nice to take a break every now and then and teach you something new.
So what is another item that TABC certification online courses do not cover? Growlers. What are growlers? They are bottles with resealable tops that allow customers to take beer home from on-premise establishments like brewpubs. We don’t know everything there is to know about growlers, but various places around Texas offer growlers like Whole Foods, Gordon Biersch, World Beer Company, and my personal favorite Craft & Growler. All you do is purchase the growler (most of these places sell their own growlers donned with their logo), pick which beer you’d like to fill it up with, and you’re good to go!
So how do they get away with it and how does it impact your TABC certification? These establishments not only have permits that allow for on-premise consumption, but they also have retail permits that allow customers to purchase alcohol for off-premise consumption. And what does this mean for your TABC certification? Well if you work in one of these establishments, it means you need to pay particular attention to how much your customers are drinking and their behavior because you know they’ll most likely be asking you to fill up a growler before they leave. And even though they may not consume that growler until they get home, it’s still illegal for you to sell them alcohol if they’re intoxicated.
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