Don’t Get Stung By the TABC This Year!

Bars and restaurants are freely open again and owners and employees are quickly getting back into the groove of the service industry.
However, the TABC is also back in full force and implementing planned stings that reveal restaurants and bars that are knowingly or unknowingly serving minors at their establishment.
While any registrant that completes our online TABC certification program will know about these sting operations and how to properly identify a fake ID, those who are newer to the industry may have some serious questions.
Here’s a look at what a TABC minor sting is, why they matter, and how you can ensure you’re never caught up in one.
What is a TABC Sting Operation?
A minor sting operation is simply the TABC enforcing Texas’ alcohol laws regarding minors and legal alcohol service.
During a minor sting, the TABC will typically hire minors to casually order a drink or attempt an alcohol purchase at the targeted location.
The key focus of the sting is to be as transparent as possible during the interaction. Each of the minors involved are usually 18 years old or younger and must follow these sting guidelines:
- They must dress appropriately for their age
- They cannot attempt to lie about their age or present a false identification
- The minor may not try to convince the owner to sell them the alcohol if questioned
The TABC Isn’t Just Out to Get You
While this type of sting may seem like a dishonest ploy from the TABC to collect fines, the truth is, it’s one of the most effective ways of reducing the problem of underage drinking. Also, owners shouldn’t view the idea of a sting as a lose/lose situation.
Sure, if you’re caught selling alcohol to a minor, the law and TABC will come down hard on you, but since there are no actual tricks involved, any mistake is on you or your employees.
Is Your Establishment at Risk?
While TABC may select locations based on complaints from the public, this isn’t always the case. Establishments targeted for a sting are often selected at random. So, even if your establishment is chosen and you pass, this isn’t something that you should take as a personal attack.
All you can really do as an owner or manager is know that sting operations do occur and that you and your employees should always be vigilant in asking for IDs, checking them properly, and avoiding sales to minors (and intoxicated people).
A TABC certification course can easily help keep your employees on the right track and ensure that your establishment is a legal operation that promotes public safety in regards to alcohol sales and service in Texas.
Prevent a Disastrous Mistake with the Help of TABC On The Fly
If your staff needs a refresher on how to properly check IDs and avoid alcohol sales to minors and intoxicated people, then create a free Employer account and purchase Pre-Paid Codes for our online TABC certification course before summer comes into full swing. Don’t let an employee mistake that could have been avoided through TABC certification be the downfall of your business.
TABC On The Fly is the most user-friendly way to ensure that you and your team get TABC certified fast and are prepared to make informed decisions and follow the law. Register online today!
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